The Mindfulness Project
Discovering Ways to Heal & Grow.
The Divorce Survival Guide (& 5 Ways to Get Through It)
When people get married, I think we all want to believe that it is forever. Unfortunately that is not always the case for everyone. Sometimes, as hard as we try to make things work, some couples come to the realization that divorce is the right decision for them.
4 Ways to Cope With the Winter Blues in 2021
“Winter blues” is a less severe form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). People who suffer from SAD suffer from episodes of depression during the winter months, with a remission period during the summer. SAD affects up to 25% of the Canadian population. FP Counselling can help!
Mindfulness and Why You Should Try It
Different therapy modalities have began to include mindfulness practice as a way of helping clients cope with a variety of difficulties. Unfortunately, there sometimes is a misconception about what mindfulness actually means, which is important to clear up.
The Art of Setting Boundaries
Boundaries allow us to make confident decisions about what we allow into our lives, and what we want to keep out. Boundaries are the way in which we define and communicate our physical, emotional and psychological space, so that we may distinguish ourselves from others.